Inlays vs. Onlays: Which Dental Restoration is Right for You? Insights from Dr. Sam Wise, Dentist in Rockwall TX

There are various types of dental restorations, and choosing the right one is essential to find out the best restoration options that suit your dental needs. Onlays and inlays are two such dental restorations that are beneficial to keep your teeth healthy. They help in restoring the function and strength of damaged teeth and help patients live a better life.

Dr. Sam Wise (DDS, MOM, MSc, and MDS), one of the best dentists in Texas, United States, shares useful insights into the difference between inlays and onlays to help you decide the best option for you.

To begin with, Prof. Sam Wise states that both inlays and onlays are two dental restorations that protect damaged, decayed, and injured teeth. Only the material of the filling, that a dentist uses to fill in a tooth after the damaged tissue is removed, makes a difference. Also, inlays and onlays are usually made of gold, resin, or porcelain.

Inlays vs Onlays

Inlays Vs Onlays

While dental onlays are used for covering larger areas when there is too much damage to use a dental inlay, dental onlays treat large areas such as the biting surface and cusp. 

To make it easier for you to understand, Prof. Wise goes on to explain dental inlay and onlay in simple words. An inlay fills in cavities and gaps in tooth areas between the cusps and an onlay fills in cavities and works for a larger area, including the cusp and the space in between too.

He further shares that both inlay and onlay work similarly to crowns, but do not cover the entire tooth surface. Also, both inlay and onlay restorations serve similar functions and are made from same materials such as gold and porcelain. Both cover different areas of the tooth to protect the damaged teeth due to decay or injury. 

Inlay or Onlay, Which Dental Restoration is Right for You? 

Professor Sam Wise, DDS, MOM, MSc, and MDS, is a trusted dentist in Rockwall TX, who specializes in oral surgery, aesthetic dentistry, and orofacial pain shares insights about some significant factors to keep in mind if your dentist recommends teeth restoration so that it's easier for you choose the best option for yourself. 

Discussing dental inlay and onlay restorations, Professor Sam Wise suggests a dentist will advise you an onlay when the cavity is too big to fill with standard fillings or when the tooth is weak enough to crack.  An onlay will restore the strength of the tooth and protect the decaying area.

A dental inlay is a good option to fill in the spaces in the center of your tooth that is decayed or damaged.  Both inlays and onlays are durable dental restorations, adds Prof. Wise.

About Dr. Sam Wise

Prof Sam Wise, DDS, MOM, MSc, and MDS, is a well-renowned dentist and a specialist in cosmetic dentistry. He has served as a clinical professor at Munster University in Germany in the Department of Implant and oral surgery. Prof. Wise treats his patients with his unique and holistic approach. His teeth restoration and dental implant methods are proven to achieve a confident smile for many patients across the United States.


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