How Orofacial Specialists Play An Important Role in Dental Care, Know From An Oral Surgeon Dr. Sam Wise

Orofacial has been introduced as a new specialty in both dentistry and medicine. In 2020, the American Dental Association's National Commission recognized the American Academy of Orofacial Pain as the newest dental specialty to provide care to patients with orofacial pain conditions. 

Professor Sam Wise, (DDS, MOM, MSc, and MDS) and a renowned Orofacial specialist based in Texas, United States, talks about the importance of orofacial specialists and the role they play in dental care here.

What do orofacial specialists do?

Professor Sam Wise, a dual-degree holder of board certifications in dental implants and orofacial pain in  Germany and the USA, defines an Orofacial specialist as a well-trained board-certified dentist who treats patients with orofacial disorders. 

Further, he adds that an orofacial pain specialist evaluates patients to identify the symptoms, root cause of the pain, and diagnosis based on the patients’ problems. A treatment plan is then developed, in coordination with other specialists, to provide individualized treatment plans to achieve optimal pain relief and better quality of life. In addition, an orofacial pain specialist also shares expert tips on how to manage orofacial issues to prevent pain.

How does an orofacial specialist improve dental care?

Professor Sam Wise shares that patients with orofacial pain and an associated disorder named temporomandibular muscle and joint (TMJ) have been neglected for years as these conditions require both medicine and dentistry. But, now, with the recognition of Orofacial specialists, patients know where to visit for the treatment of jaw and facial disorders such as clenching, grinding of teeth, nerve pain, and sleep disorders.

To explain further, Prof. Wise illustrates an example by saying, suppose a patient with severe tooth pain and pain around the jaw visits a general dentist and finds out the pain is due to a wisdom tooth. But, the pain doesn't go away even after a week. That's when you need an orofacial specialist. 

Orofacial specialists have a detailed understanding of the typical characteristics of pain in the head area and neck area, which can be mistaken as pain due to other factors, he adds further.

How Do Orofacial Pain Specialists Treat Patients?

On asking what procedures orofacial specialists perform, Dr. Sam Wise shares that Orofacial pain specialists treat conditions that cause pain in the jaw, mouth, face, neck, and head caused by muscles, nerves, joints, or blood vessels. In addition, orofacial pain conditions can cause symptoms such as headaches, itching, and tingling sensations, dizziness, to name a few. 

Orofacial pain specialists use a variety of treatment procedures, some of which require additional training such as medications, oral surgery, steroid injections, relaxation techniques training, etc, he concludes.

About Dr. Sam Wise- Helping Patients with Orofacial Pain!

Professor Sam Wise (DDS, MOM, MSc, and MDS) is one of the renowned dentists and oral surgeons in Texas, United States, trained internationally in Germany and the USA. He has more than a decade of experience and is known for his expertise in orofacial pain. Prof. Sam Wise offers personalized orofacial treatments for patients with orofacial conditions. Contact him today for expert help with dental issues. 


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