How to diagnose orofacial pain, and what treatment options are available?

Orofacial pain describes the discomfort or pain that affects the mouth, face, and jaws. There are many causes you can have orofacial pain. Orofacial pain results from dental conditions, such as toothaches, pulpitis, and abscesses. 

The most common cause of orofacial pain is TMJ, also known as temporomandibular joint. The common symptoms of TMJ are pain and dysfunction in the jaw and surrounding muscles. Other causes of orofacial pain include postoperative pain, neuropathic pains, or headaches. 

This blog discusses the diagnoses for orofacial pain and treatment options for TMJ. Read on to understand your options for the treatment of orofacial pain.

What is Temporomandibular Joint Disorder?

Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMJ) causes pain in the jaw joint and the surrounding muscles. The pain can be due to several factors, such as genetics, arthritis, or jaw injury. 


There are several causes of TMJ:

  • Chronic grinding of teeth

  • Alignment problems of the jaw or teeth

  • Connective tissue disease

  • Injury or dislocation

  • Inherited genetics

  • Arthritis

Understanding the Diagnostic Process

Diagnosing orofacial pain involves a comprehensive assessment by a healthcare professional. The process may include the following steps:

  • Assessing Medical History: 

The healthcare professional reviews medical history that includes previous dental or medical treatments. 

  • Physical Examination: 

The healthcare professional examines your face, head, neck, and jaw. This helps to identify any visible signs or abnormalities.

  • Imaging Studies: 

An Orofacial pain specialist identifies jaw abnormalities using X-rays, CT scans, or MRI. 

  • Dental Examination: 

A dentist assesses your teeth, bite, and occlusion. Further, help determine dental issues contributing to orofacial pain.

Treatment Options for Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMJ)

Treatment options depend on the severity of symptoms and underlying causes. Some popular treatment approaches include:

  • Self-Care and Lifestyle Modifications

Applying warm or cold compresses and eating soft can help ease mild symptoms. Besides, meditating and avoiding excessive jaw movements will make your lifestyle better. 

  • Medications

Your healthcare provider may prescribe Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), muscle relaxants, and analgesics. These medications will help reduce pain and inflammation. 

  • Dental Treatments

Your dentist may need to improve the alignment of your jaw and correct your bite. Moreover, undergo dental restoration to restore proper function. 

  • Physical Therapy

Physical therapies such as jaw exercises help improve jaw mobility. It also reduces muscle tension and enhances jaw function.

  • Invasive Procedures

Doctors consider corticosteroid injections, arthrocentesis, or surgery in severe cases. These options are a last resort.

  • Collaborative Approach and Follow-Up

Collaborate with your healthcare provider. It will help in determining an appropriate treatment plan for your condition. Moreover, regular follow-up visits will allow for monitoring of progress. 

Professor Sam Wise (DDS, MOM, MSc, and MDS)- a Prodigy in Treating Orofacial Pain

Professor Sam Wise (DDS, MOM, MSc, and MDS) is a well-known Orofacial Specialist in Texas. With a decade of experience in dentistry, Dr. Sam Wise is a popular name in Texas for Orofacial pain. He offers personalized orofacial treatments for patients with orofacial conditions. Schedule an appointment today. 


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