Common Misconceptions About Dentistry Debunked by Prof. Sam Wise

Dental care is becoming more crucial for people nowadays and people are much more aware of dentistry and dental care. Similarly, people often get misled by some common misconceptions and myths about dentistry which are widely believed. Here’s the good news!

This article discusses some of the most common misconceptions about dentistry debunked by professor Sam Wise (DDS, MOM, MSc, and MDS), one of the renowned dentists in Texas, United States. Read now to discover more. 

Brushing is enough. Flossing is not necessary!

Prof. Wise says that flossing may be a little complex to follow but if you are not flossing your teeth on a regular basis, you are not cleaning one-third of your tooth surface where your toothbrush probably can’t reach to clean. The fact flossing cleans and prevents plaque buildup is a bonus. 

Quality dental care is highly expensive 

Another common misconception about dental care is that it’s highly expensive. Professor Sam Wise (DDS, MOM, MSc, and MDS) busts this myth as he believes in diagnosing the root cause of a dental problem and giving the desired treatment to his patients without multiple visits and by actively listening to a patient’s problems before deciding the treatment plan. 

Brushing harder makes your teeth cleaner

This misconception is believed by most people across the globe. But, there is a thin line between regular brushing and brushing your teeth harder, says Prof. Wise. Additionally, your mouth is a sensitive area, and brushing your teeth harder can cause damage to your teeth's enamel and gums. 

Visit a dentist only when you experience pain

Professor Sam Wise debunks another misconception about dental care that you should visit a dentist only when you face any pain or discomfort in your mouth and teeth. The fact is preventive dental checkups help you treat a tooth problem that may be prevailing. 

Dental cleaning makes your teeth weak

Dental cleaning or teeth whitening does not weaken or damage your teeth if done properly by your dentist. You should just follow your dentist’s instructions carefully to meet your desired results. 

Dental implants are uncomfortable

Professor Sam Wise calls it a myth. Dentists perform dental implants under local anesthesia and hence, the patient experiences no pain or discomfort during the procedure. The patient’s comfort is what is taken care of as a priority by Dr. Sam Wise.. 

Tooth extraction is better than RCT 

RCT is the most sought-after procedure to fix cavity-related issues. Root canal treatment involves treating a tooth cavity and associated pain completely and a patient is assured complete relief after this procedure. A tooth extraction should always be the last resort, says Prof. Wise in order to protect your smile. 


Before making a decision about your oral problems, it is advisable to consult a dentist who can help you with diagnosing your dental issues and treating you properly. There are many more misconceptions about dentistry only a dentist can bust and help you make the right decision for yourself. That’s why regular dental exams should be done once in six months to keep your dental health in check. Book an appointment with Professor Sam Wise  (DDS, MOM, MSc, and MDS) today. 


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