
Showing posts from February, 2023

Common Misconceptions About Dentistry Debunked by Prof. Sam Wise

Dental care is becoming more crucial for people nowadays and people are much more aware of dentistry and dental care. Similarly, people often get misled by some common misconceptions and myths about dentistry which are widely believed. Here’s the good news! This article discusses some of the most common misconceptions about dentistry debunked by professor Sam Wise (DDS, MOM, MSc, and MDS), one of the renowned dentists in Texas, United States. Read now to discover more.  Brushing is enough. Flossing is not necessary! Prof. Wise says that flossing may be a little complex to follow but if you are not flossing your teeth on a regular basis, you are not cleaning one-third of your tooth surface where your toothbrush probably can’t reach to clean. The fact flossing cleans and prevents plaque buildup is a bonus.  Quality dental care is highly expensive  Another common misconception about dental care is that it’s highly expensive. Professor Sam Wise (DDS, MOM, MSc, and MDS) busts this myth as h

10 Reasons Why Prof. Sam Wise Is The Best Dentist In Town

    Professor Sam Wise (DDS, MOM, MSc, and MDS) is one of the best dentists in Texas , United States. He is trained internationally, at the most prestigious dental schools in Germany and the USA. For his unmatched services of almost 15 years in dental healthcare, Professor Sam Wise played a pivotal role in creating a foundation for aesthetic dentistry. Professor Wise has shown utmost dedication towards his craftsmanship at his daily practice and his dedication towards continuing his education in oral surgery and orofacial pain. There are plenty of reasons why Prof. Sam Wise (DDS, MOM, MSc, and MDS) is the best dentist in town, this article collates the best ten for you. Expertise in Dental Implant & Aesthetic Dentistry Post-completion of his dental schooling in 1998, Prof. Sam Wise embarked on the journey of building an international reputation in dental implants and the art of cosmetic dentistry. He is now an acclaimed and trusted dentist for cosmetic dental needs such as teeth